Before the meeting (in-person)

  • Plan to arrive approximately 15 minutes early to assist with room setup.
  • Expect an Executive member to arrive early as well to provide access to the storage closet and community room. You do not need to worry about opening them.
  • Set up the room: place the lectern, adjust the lighting, set the timing lights, display the banner, and arrange seats appropriately.
  • Distribute evaluation slips (one per speech), pens, and 2 pieces of scrap paper (voting slips) to each seat.
  • Set up the QR agenda codes on each table, ensuring the QR code for the agenda faces the audience. Note that there are two different codes on each stand-up plastic piece.
  • Hand over the Wordmaster bell and notebook to the Wordmaster once they arrive.
  • When the meeting is due to start, bang the gavel and begin!

At the meeting (in-person)

  • Open the meeting with a warm welcome! Your role is to create an upbeat atmosphere and explain the meeting rules.
  • Proceed with a thorough explanation of the rules (outlined in the next section).
  • Conclude your introductory segment by introducing the Chairperson.
  • During voting times, collect voting slips and tally the votes.
  • If you’re an evaluator or participating in table topics, delegate vote collection and counting to a non-participant.

Explanation of rules (in-person)

  • Use your phone to scan the QR code for the agenda. After scanning, switch your phone to Airplane mode to avoid distractions.
  • Keep cell phones and other electronic devices on silent mode.
  • Refrain from entering or exiting the room while someone is speaking on stage.
  • If returning from outside, peek through the window to ensure no one is speaking. Enter and exit during applause or speaker transitions.
  • Share the location of the washrooms and the access code (13579#).
  • Encourage clapping when each speaker begins and concludes their speech.

At the meeting (online)

  • Log into the online meeting at least ten minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
  • At 6pm sharp, kick off the meeting. Begin with the rules explanation, etiquette reminder, and the introduction of the Chairperson.

Explanation of rules (online)

  • Avoid frequently turning off your camera. Complete any necessary tasks before the meeting starts, and only step away if absolutely necessary.
  • Find a quiet room with minimal distractions, such as pets, noise, or other individuals.
  • Ensure your microphone is muted unless you are speaking or the Speaker has requested it unmuted.
  • Refrain from multi-tasking during the meeting.
  • Position your camera at eye level for a clear view.

Helpful Resources

Sergeant at Arms Overview

Video Examples

Melanie gives a demonstration of the Sergeant at Arms role.
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