The Table Topics Evaluator evaluates everyone who delivers a table topic. They do not evaluate the Table Topics Master (that is the General Evaluator’s role).

Each evaluation is based on your objective opinion of the speech. It is not telling members how it should be done.

Before the meeting

  • No preparation required

During the Table Topics Session

  • Listen carefully to each speaker!
  • Write down each speaker’s name.
  • If in person – notice where they are sitting in the room so that you can look at them and include them when you give your evaluation.
  • Take notes on each speaker. It is useful to draw a line down the middle of your paper. On one side write things they did well. On the other side write suggestions for improvement. That way, your notes will be organized and easy to read when you give your report.
  • Don’t try to write everything down or you may get lost in your notes later.
  • Take into account the speaker’s level of skill and the stage reached in Pathways (if you know).

During the meeting

  • When introduced, briefly explain the purpose of the Table Topic Evaluator role – to evaluate each of the Table Topic speakers
  • Count the number of speakers. Calculate at least 30 seconds per speaker, add 30 seconds for your introduction plus 30 seconds for wrap up. This should be your total time.
  • Deliver your evaluation for each of the Table Topic Speaker, not the Table Topics Master (General Evaluator does that role)
  • The audience have already heard the content of the speech. Therefore, to avoid the temptation to go over the content – stick to how the speech was delivered.
  • Give constructive, balanced feedback, i.e. talk about 1 or 2 things the speaker did well and 1 or 2 points for improvement.
  • Be confident in your own opinion, i.e. don’t try to be nice and “whitewash”- give only praise. That is of no value to the speaker.
  • You could address the speaker and the rest of the audience. The points you raise are useful to the audience.
  • Make each evaluation a well-structured mini-speech lasting 30 seconds using the skills you have learned
  • Your performance will be evaluated at the end of the evening – by the General Evaluator.

Helpful Resources

Making the Most of Evaluations

The Secret to a Meaningful Evaluation

Effective Evaluation Manual

Video Examples

Sheree demonstrates how to give a Table Topics Evaluation
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