The main duty of the Toastmaster is to act as the host and make introductions between the prepared speech speakers and speech evaluators. They effectively help the Chair Person facilitate a big portion of the meeting.

Participants should be introduced in a way that encourages the audience to listen to them. The Toastmaster creates an atmosphere of interest, expectation, and receptivity.

Before the meeting

  • Check with the Chair Person to find out if a special theme has been set for the meeting and if there are any programme changes.
  • Contact all Speakers in advance to remind them that they are speaking. Ask for their speech title, manual project number, purpose to be achieved, time requested and something interesting which you can use when introducing them (job, family, hobbies, education, why this topic for this audience etc.).
  • Prepare introductions for each Speaker. A proper introduction can add to the success of the Speaker’s presentation.
    Prepare remarks which can be used to bridge the gaps between programme segments. You may never use them, but you should be prepared to avoid possibly awkward periods of silence.
  • Remember that performing as Toastmaster is one of the most valuable experiences in your Club work. The assignment requires careful preparation in order to have a smoothly-run meeting

At the meeting

  • Arrive early in order to finish any last-minute details.
  • Check with the speakers for any last-minute changes.
  • In in person, sit near the front of the room for quick and easy access to the lectern.

During the meeting

  • When you are introduced by the Chair Person, thank them and give a 2-3 minute speech related to the meeting theme.
  • At the end of your 2-3 minute speech, propose a toast in relation to the theme, the speakers or something relevant.
    • Example: “I’d like to propose a toast! Everyone please grab a drink/cut and repeat/cheers with me. To scientific discoveries! [Raise cup]. “
    • Transition to the first speaker, after they are finished, conclude and transition to second speaker, etc.
  • Preside with sincerity, energy and decisiveness. Take your audience on a pleasant journey and make them feel that all is going well.
  • Study the Agenda carefully so that you do not miss any speakers, evaluators or invitations to vote.
  • Always lead the applause before and after each presenter.
  • After your introduction of another presenter, remain standing near the lectern until you have shaken hands – signifying your hand over of control of the meeting – then be seated.
  • When another presenter has finished, shake hands again to signify that control of the meeting is returning to you.

Helpful Resources

Are You Ready to Take On Toastmaster of the Day?

Video Examples

Melanie demonstrates how to warm up the audience, give a toast and introduce speakers as the Toastmaster.
Jesse demonstrates how to warm up the audience, give a toast and introduce speakers as the Toastmaster.
Jesse demonstrates how to transition from the first speaker to the second.
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