

The purpose of the Motivator is to tell an inspiring, motivating or overall encouraging mini-speech within a 2-3 minute speech. This role helps get the audience’s energy up and to break the ice for the meeting ahead. It is usually … Continued


The Greeter is responsible to warmly welcome guests and members They are responsible for making all members and guests feel welcomed to the club meeting. As members and guests enter the meeting room, the Greeter greets them. The Greeter shows … Continued
App Master

App Master

The app master presents and demonstrates an app or other piece of technology that they find useful or exciting. The information should be presented so that a new user will easily understand and be able to use the technology. Before … Continued
Rant Master

Rant Master

The Rant Master presents a short speech in the form of a rant. The topic can be anything of the speaker’s choosing, there is no set format. The goal is to speak your mind! Before the meeting Think of a … Continued
Food Master

Food Master

The purpose of the Food Master is to provide talk about food for 2 minutes. Pick any aspect of food (or a specific food) you’d like to discuss – a favourite dish, an interesting story or share an experience. This … Continued
General Evaluator

General Evaluator

The General Evaluator is an evaluator of everything that takes place throughout the meeting. Their main job is to review and assess the club meeting—from the time people arrive to the end of the program’s educational component—and report their findings. … Continued


The main duty of the Toastmaster is to act as the host and make introductions between the prepared speech speakers and speech evaluators. They effectively help the Chair Person facilitate a big portion of the meeting. Participants should be introduced … Continued
Sergeant at Arms

Sergeant at Arms

Before the meeting (in-person) Plan to arrive approximately 15 minutes early to assist with room setup. Expect an Executive member to arrive early as well to provide access to the storage closet and community room. You do not need to … Continued


Note: Other clubs often separate the functions of this role into two distinct roles (Grammarian and Ah-counter). At MetroSpeakers we combine it into a single role (Wordmaster)! Being the Wordmaster is an exercise in improving your listening skills. You have … Continued


The Timer is responsible for timing items in the meeting, and signalling at appropriate points. One of the skills in speech training is expressing oneself within a specific time. The Timer helps those at the meeting practise this. Prior to … Continued